

Male student looking at a laptop screen

Find It Online

We offer an extensive array of digital databases to to help you find whatever you're seeking
three students reading in the library

Need Some Research Assistance?

Take advantage of our tips and tools!



Welcome to the Rose State College Library! The Library has many wonderful resources waiting for you to use! We would love you to stop by the Ask Here desk in the center of the Library and ask for help.

If you are a student, please know that the Library staff are ready to help you find the resources you need. You are important to us. If you need help finding database articles (We have over 160 online databases!), subject guides, books, videos, or even need help on how to get around the building or the campus, please ask one of us.

We’re always happy to direct you to what you need! We have computers for students and guests to use with printer access. We have the basic software loaded on all computers and specialty software loaded on selected computers. In addition, we have a few computers with scanners for multimedia projects. We also have study rooms you may reserve and textbooks (some classes) for in-library use. If we don't have a book or article that you need, we can always request it through Interlibrary Loan

If you are a faculty or staff member, we have resources for you, too! We have books, periodicals, online resources, and a special collection of Rose State history! Ask us about personal access to the Chronicle of Higher Education and the New York Times! If you want to book an orientation for your students, we are happy to do that orientation in person in the library, in your classroom, or virtually. 

If you only want to access the library online, we are here to help virtually if you have questions. Look for the Ask Us button to chat with us or select the Ask a Librarian link to submit a question or contact us via email, text message or phone call. 

– Andrew Soliven, Director, Library Services

Andrew Soliven
Andrew Soliven
Director, Library Services Learning Resources Center
(405) 733-7914
Text a Librarian

Have a question for a librarian? Point your camera here:

 Or text us at 405.792.0240.  Message and data rates may apply.