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Library Services: Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

What is ILL?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service provided to RSC students, faculty and staff. This service allows our Library to ask other libraries for books and journal articles that we don't own.

Who Can Use ILL?

The RSC Library will submit requests for current RSC students, faculty, staff and Tinker AFB personnel. Community members, even if they have a Courtesy Card, must use their home libraries for ILL services. Appropriate identification must be provided at the time of the request - for example, if requesting an item in person, a current ID must be shown; if placing the request online, the ID field on the form must be completed. Patron status will be checked before an ILL is placed. No patron whose record indicates a library block or other library restriction will be allowed to request ILL services until the reason for the block or restriction has been resolved.

For more information about Interlibrary Loan, contact Angela Hill, Coordinator of Access Services, at (405) 736-0259 or 

How Do I Submit a Request?

Make a Request In Person

Come to the Ask Here Desk and speak with a Reference Librarian about the material you would like to request. The librarian will verify that RSC Library does not own the item and assist you with submitting a request.

Make a Request Over the Phone

Call the Ask Here Desk (733-7543) and speak with a Reference Librarian about the material you would like to request. The librarian will verify that RSC Library does not own the item and assist you with submitting a request.

Make a Request Using the Online Forms

Make a Request From within the Library Catalog

For a book that RSC does not own, you will see the option "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan." Complete the required fields in the form that appears and submit your request. For an article that RSC does not own, you will be directed to speak with a librarian. 

How Long Will It Take?

Response Time, Format, Location: How long it takes for your requested item to arrive at the RSC Library depends on a number of factors. The most important factor is how quickly each library responds to an ILL request that we send to them. Second, what type of material you are requesting can make a big difference. A book will typically take longer to arrive than a journal article. Most journal articles are sent to us electronically as PDFs and can arrive within 24-48 hours of our request. Books, however, are sent by van delivery (ours is 2 times a week) or by USPS, which means that the Lending Library's geographic location will affect the arrival time. For all requests, regardless of format, we check local and in-state availability first.  

Bottom Line: If you've asked for a print book, we first check the holdings of local or in-state libraries because they can probably get it to us faster, but we will ask out-of-state libraries if no local libraries can fill our request. If you've asked for a journal article, the article will probably be sent as a PDF so the geographic location of the Lending Library doesn't really matter; what matters most is the response time of the Lending Library.

Where Do I Pick Up My ILL Materials?

Print Materials

You will pick up print books at the Circulation Desk. Please bring your current RSC ID with you for pickup.

Journal Articles:

ou will receive an email from with instructions for how to download your article.

Unfilled Requests

If we cannot locate a Lending Library to fill your request, you will receive an email notification from If this occurs, we encourage you to contact the Ask Here Desk (733-7543) so a librarian can assist you in locating alternative resources for your research.

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Location: 1st floor, LRC

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