

exterior view of the Health Sciences Center building


Health Sciences


Caring for patients is the hallmark of a health care career. The Health Science Division offers Associate in Applied Science degrees in 7 different disciplines.

Hello and welcome to the Health Sciences Division of Rose State College!

With our diversity of programs, you're certain to find one that best meets your interests and fulfillment. All of our programs are fully accredited, which allows participation in state and national credentialing exams and contributes to ensuring you a quality experience as you prepare to enter the dynamic and challenging health care industry.

After completing hands-on pre-clinical laboratory simulation classes, students are assigned to various sites for their clinical education. The clinical portion of their education is completed at numerous healthcare agencies across the metropolitan area and central Oklahoma. After successful completion of program requirements, the graduate is then eligible to sit for the credentialing examination of these specific disciplines.

The employment outlook remains very good for graduates of healthcare programs with very competitive salaries. Major employers continue to be hospitals — however, dental offices, home health agencies and specialty clinics also provide opportunities.

Rose State College has a rich tradition of providing well-qualified, competent health-care staffing. All faculty have extensive clinical and educational experience in their respective discipline. Whether it is completing the Associate Degree, a Certificate Program or Continuing Education coursework, we stand ready to attend to your particular needs.

Admission to these programs is competitive and based on selective criteria. For more information contact the Health Sciences Division office at (405) 733-7359. I hope you have a successful and rewarding experience at Rose State College.

Mission Statement

The Health Sciences Division supports the development of students through basic courses to provide opportunities to excel in a diverse selection of health disciplines and to prepare them to be entry-level health care practitioners.

Rita Mild
Rita Mild
Dean, Health Sciences Division Health Sciences Division
(405) 736-0290

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